The month of June has flown by and it all felt a bit like Ground Hog day, it was a funky month and all the days and nights seemed to roll into one and every weekend seemed to be full of cookouts and cook "ins" with spurts of rain and moments of sun to cool and warm us throughout the day. It was definitely a month for "layers" and the weather peeps sure had their hands full with forecasting. "Its raining, no wait it's 80 degrees and sunny no wait its hailing, no wait I see a thunderstorm ahead". All that forecasting sounded plain exhausting, let alone all the "products" I had to pull out to defrizz and plump my hair. It was a month of some very exciting events though. In the beginning of the month I was fortunate to see Dr. Mitra Ray talk about the "Science of Nutrition" and how certain foods respond or react with our bodies and then Dr. Benitez came to Newburyport to talk about the "Recipe for Great Health". In addition, Dr. Jennah's Wellness Workshop Series presented on "Why do I feel so Lousy and What Can I do about it?" and "5 Secrets to Extraordinary Health" along with the Grand Re-Opening and Health Fair this past weekend. It was a time to really connect with my own health as well as the community's health as a whole. There were several times when I wanted to speak with folks about what they eat or what type of nutritional supplements they take. I know in our busy, hectic lives we simply do not get enough fruits and vegetables in our diet and I have found a way that has helped me bridge that gap. I have been taking Juice Plus+ for almost two months and already I feel a significant change. I am noticing that I am craving less sugar and eating more fresh fruits and vegetables along the way. It has helped me tremendously in my Zumba class, (which by the way if you ever want to take a Zumba class in the Andover, MA area, visit www.Zumbadancewwithamy.com and tell her that Stephanie referred you, she offers a free intro class and you will love it!) I have been able to sustain the energy I need in the class and recoup better after the class as well. I know this is will take me a little more time but I can feel a wonderful change already and I am so excited to be getting back in shape and enjoying the outdoors again. Now if only it could stay sunny one weekend, I could try out my new TYR swimsuit diggs and show off my crazy free stroke. To learn more about Juice Plus+ feel free to view this video and see why I connected to this whole food nutrition.