BlueSky Marketing is dedicated to delivering marketing solutions that help businesses understand their target market and how to keep connected both online and offline.
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This past Friday night I was blessed with the opportunity to see Jack Canfield live in the 8th row front and center at the Stadium in Woonsocket, RI along with my friend Courtney from LoonyBus, It was an event that was sponsored by Heavenly Goddess a fabulous Spa products company in RI that was enamored with Jacks awesome motivational speaking presentations and his amazing best selling book, the Success Principles He was invited to speak in front of the sales team as well as many other avid fans. I have been following Jack's work for the past two years and I have seen a huge transformation in my own life. I know that with daily application of these principles I have seen healthy changes. I once was a stressed out corporate marketing professional that always felt harried and running on fumes trying to keep up with the multitasking fat rat race. I realized that I was not pacing myself and not in alignment with who I am, what I can offer and in touch with my intuitive health. Since the beginning of this year that I really have taken stock in who I am and how I can harness the power of all the talents I have inside of me in a way that flows and clarifies my vision for my ideal life. I am thrilled to be connecting to so many people in the health and wellness field and allowing myself to let the process unfold as it may. I have a strong belief that I can achieve my goals in a highly successful way. I know we tend to measure success by dollars and numbers, but the real success for me is the paradigm shift inside that has allowed me to be free of the anxiety that was holding me back from my true self and purpose. I understand we all need to make a living to survive, but it is in the "living" that the money will come. I have always known that I am in the right career it has just been a realization that I was not in the right environment. The right environment is key to any success and growth. As I look at the package of seeds I just received to plant flowers this spring and right on the back it saysCare:"Growth is maximized in nutrient rich soil with moderate moisture and a sunny location. Remove fading plants and seed pods to promote further bloom". I think about the care I give my plants and how integral it is to do the same for me. I learned that I didn't perform well in a damp, dark, negative, poorly lit cubicle space with no windows and that I thrived when I could breathe fresh air, see the sun and spread out in a open and airy creative space. Every day I see more of my talents and insights begin to bloom and in due time I will see the fruit of my labor of love. I enjoy the journey every day of creating and building BlueSky Marketing and connecting with wellness professionals. I am learning so much about the market and the amazing holistic health and nutritional supplements that are available to live a more strong and vibrant life. As I continue to learn more I have connected with Yoga instructors, Zumba Dancers, Athletic trainers, and runners for a cause. As I type this blog, I see the Boston Marathon on TV and the determined faces of all the runners from different background and levels of experience. I know that every step lead to a longer distance and a better time for each runner. These runners didn't just wake up today and say I'm going to run 26 miles, but they all said I am going to take one step closer to completing the 26 mile Boston Marathon and I will cross the finish line. I am grateful for every step I take each day and with BlueSky in front of me I know I can see clearly now.....the rain is gone :)