Friday, May 6, 2011

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Shift Doctors to Present at the Vibrant Life Expo

Tracy Latz,  M.D., M.S. is an Integrative Psychiatrist, Medical Intuitive and has served  as an Associate Clinical Faculty member in the Department of Psychiatry at  the Wake Forest University School of Medicine. She holds a Masters degree in Immunobiology, doctorates in Metaphysics & Holistic Healing,  certifications in Mind-Body Medicine and is currently in private practice in  a suburb of Charlotte, NC with over 19 years of clinical experience in  shifting lives.“Shift Your Life”

Marion Ross, Ph.D. holds doctorates  in Holistic Healing, Metaphysics, and Transpersonal Psychology as well as a  certification in Mind Body Medicine. She has successful practices in Paris,  France and New York City.

The Shift Doctors- Self Healing with Color & Sound to Shift Your Life!

Tracy and Marion have created 2 guided meditation CDs for self-healing and have written two books  including the latest bestseller titled “Shift: A Woman’s Guide to  Transformation”. Their first book is “SHIFT: 12 Keys to Shift Your Life”.  They are contributing authors to the collaborative book titled “2012:  Creating Your Own Shift”.

Dr.’s Latz and Ross have taught classes and seminars in vibrational medicine & personal  transformation since 2002. They also teach courses in Reiki, Color and Sound  Healing, Energy Psychology, Energy Medicine, Meditation and other  Metaphysical Topics. Dr.’s Latz & Ross teach regularly at the L.A.  County Jail, have been sponsored by the New York Public to teach in Harlem  in 2010, are teaching in SHIFT Charlotte March 2011 , and teach private  seminars and courses regularly.  Our website is: