Many people who work in an office don't event realize that they are working in conditions that are not conducive to the best results. The florescent lights and lack of O2 and sometimes H2O make it difficult to concentrate and to stay motivated throughout the day. The way a person is positioned in their chair and the angle they are at in relation to their computer or desk is critical to how their body feels and functions.
There is a whole study on Ergonomics and how the right product and positioning can ease you while work and benefit your ability to work in a safe, comfortable and enjoyable way. Gone are the days when it was all pain and no gain. Have you ever seen a productive miserable person? I mean OK, so perhaps there is the occasional disgruntled employee that wouldn't be happy or productive if you made their office space out of T-Foam and Lazy Boy chairs, but the majority of us would be delighted to feel better at work, have a sense of pride and to know that we are doing more than just contributing to the bottom line.
Many of us have known this for a long time and now the big boss is paying attention because an increase in health, means increased productivity and efficient and ultimately more wealth for the company. There are many cost effective ways to implement a healthy workplace. A "well" workplace doesn't have to be an expensive overhaul. There are several ways you can start to make changes that will have a big impact on the quality of life for everyone. Here are some simple, yet highly effective ways in which you can get started http://www.wellnessproposals.com/wellness_proposals_free_wellness_tool_kits.htm
Gone are the days when supporting a wellness plan for employees was just laughable. Now many companies (who get it) are seeing the value in having employees who don't fall asleep at their desk or daze out in the conference room from lack of oxygen. Do you ever notice how it feels like you are on a stuffy, stank plane (with no windows) in some offices? Now imagine that for 8 hrs a day, 40-50 hrs a week! Last Paycheck Please!
Then there is the insurance side of it. Some companies have even been able to negotiate with health insurance providers to lower their premiums in trade for a wellness program in place. With proven studies on preventive health maintenance of one's body and mind it has now become an excellent alternative for employees to offer various forms of wellness services at their company. To learn more about how you can make your company a Well Workplace, I would review the services that WELCOA (Wellness Council of America) offers as well as their free list of resources at http://www.welcoa.org/wellworkplace/.
Also depending on what state you live there may be program in effect to help you and your companies along the wellness the road. I know that in MA there is a new Mass in Motion effort http://www.mass.gov/massinmotion/http://www.superpages.com/yellowpages/C-Health+&+Wellness+Programs/ that has been in effect since January 09. To see if your city & sate has a similar program check out
All the Best,
BlueSky Marketing " The Sky's the Limit, when you Health's in it"
In Health and Wellness......