Just recently I was pushed into a career defining change. My safe, little, cubicle haven had a small earthquake and I was out of a j.o.b. so with that I packed up my highlighters, a 100 MB USB flash drive and my ipod and leaped out of the door with my parachute half packed. Although I managed to land safely with just a few bumps and bruises; my ego was a bit squashed and I think I stepped on my "brand". Once I got a grip and the adrenaline started to even out I realized that I was in need of a "brand new makeover". I collected all my marketing pieces and started to put the strategic puzzle together. A press release over here an event roll out over there and advertisements and case studies sprinkled in between. Then there was the resume. Oh the dreaded resume. The two page document in which all of our career accomplishments are to fit efficiently and effectively in 10 point font all the while making sure it stands above the crowd to say, "look at this savvy marketer, I AM your marketing solution for your business". As I read my resume over and made editorial changes at least twenty times, it occurred to me that my resume did not stand out at all and it certainly wasn't an "a-ha" we need this professional on our team ASAP kind of feel. I knew I needed to take all the best of me and really shine it up. This is definitely not the market to be in the background with a few line listed accomplishments noted here and there. This is "American Brand Idol" and you better be in tune, have some damn shiny white teeth and a song that states I am here and you need what I've got! Once you take inventory of who you are and where you want to be, then you can start to construct a brand around you that is congruent with your business and personality traits. One key survey I found to be useful in defining my personality type is the Myers Briggs Personality test. Feel free to try it yourself for free http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/JTypes2.asp. It will really provide you with some insight as to why you behave and think a certain way. My personality type is an ENFJ which is "E" for Extrovert, "N" for Intuitive, "F" for Feeling and "J" for Judging. The test will give you percentages so you can see where you are higher and lower on the scale. If you already know this about you, then you are a step ahead but if not it is a great tool to use a predictor for whats types of positions you would be the most successful at and if you are moving in the right direction.
With all the products and services a marketer can brand, making sure your professional brand can be on e of the most challenging projects. It is however imperative that a marketer build his/her brand along the way. It is so easy to get caught up in what you are working on at the moment or the campaign that has you giving it your all, however your brand needs to be well positioned at all times. You always want to be seen consistent through managements eyes and easy to identify if you are in the job market and looking for a new marketing position.
With all the products and services a marketer can brand, making sure your professional brand can be on e of the most challenging projects. It is however imperative that a marketer build his/her brand along the way. It is so easy to get caught up in what you are working on at the moment or the campaign that has you giving it your all, however your brand needs to be well positioned at all times. You always want to be seen consistent through managements eyes and easy to identify if you are in the job market and looking for a new marketing position.